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The Parallel Value of Real and Intellectual Property in Society

Real and intellectual property represent two distinct yet interconnected pillars of modern economies. While they differ in tangible form, the value they contribute to society is remarkably similar. Real property, encompassing physical assets like land and buildings, and intellectual property, which includes patents, copyrights, and trademarks, both play vital roles in fostering innovation, economic growth, and societal progress.
Shared Foundations in Value Creation
At the core, both real and intellectual property derive their value from the principles of scarcity and exclusivity. Real property, such as real estate, gains value due to its limited availability. Similarly, intellectual property attains value through exclusivity, granting its owner sole rights to use, reproduce, or distribute a particular creation. This exclusivity fosters an environment where innovation and creativity are incentivized.
Economic Growth and Innovation
Real property serves as a foundation for economic activities, providing space for businesses, homes for communities, and resources for agriculture. Intellectual property, on the other hand, fuels economic growth through innovation. Patents protect inventions, encouraging inventors to invest time and resources in creating new technologies. Copyrights safeguard artistic works, ensuring that creators can reap the rewards of their creative endeavors.
In essence, both types of property contribute to the cycle of economic development. Real property creates physical infrastructure, while intellectual property fuels the development of ideas and technologies that drive progress. Together, they form a symbiotic relationship that propels societies forward.
Job Creation and Services
Real property is a significant source of employment, from construction workers building structures to property managers overseeing real estate assets. Intellectual property, though intangible, also generates employment by supporting industries like technology, entertainment, and research and development. Companies built on intellectual property, such as those in the software or pharmaceutical sectors, not only create jobs but also drive advancements in various fields.
Services provided by both types of property extend beyond employment. Real property, in the form of public spaces, contributes to the well-being of communities, fostering social interaction and cultural activities. Intellectual property ensures the availability of diverse cultural and educational content, enriching societies with literature, music, and educational resources.
Challenges and Balance
Despite their similarities, real and intellectual property face distinct challenges. Real property may encounter issues related to zoning, environmental regulations, and physical degradation. Intellectual property, on the other hand, confronts challenges like piracy, counterfeiting, and the balance between protection and public access.
Achieving a balance between protecting intellectual property rights and ensuring public access to information is crucial. This balance encourages innovation by rewarding creators while also allowing society to benefit from shared knowledge. Similarly, real property regulations must balance development needs with environmental sustainability to ensure long-term societal well-being.
In conclusion, the similarities between real and intellectual property in terms of value and services to society are evident. Both contribute to economic growth, job creation, and the overall advancement of communities. Real property forms the physical foundation, while intellectual property fuels the engine of innovation. Recognizing and understanding the parallel roles these two types of property play is essential for fostering a balanced and thriving society that embraces both tangible and intangible assets.

Caste Reservation in India: Unraveling Religious and Historical Roots


Caste reservation in jobs and politics has been a contentious and complex issue in India, deeply rooted in the country's religious and historical fabric. The system of reservations was implemented to address historical injustices and provide opportunities for marginalized communities, primarily Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC). However, examining the interplay between caste, religion, and history reveals a nuanced connection that extends beyond the realm of socio-economic upliftment.

Historical Background:

The caste system, dating back centuries, has been a fundamental social structure in India. Rooted in ancient Hindu scriptures, it divided society into rigid hierarchical categories, with individuals born into specific castes determining their social status and occupation. The hierarchical nature of the caste system perpetuated discrimination and social inequality, creating a historical imbalance that needed redressal.

Reservation in Jobs:

In post-independence India, the Constitution recognized the need to rectify historical injustices and mandated affirmative action through reservation policies. These policies aimed to ensure representation and participation of historically marginalized communities in various sectors, including education, employment, and politics. The reservation system, initially envisioned as a temporary measure, has evolved into a contentious and enduring debate.

Religious Influence:

While caste and religion are distinct entities, they are intricately linked in the Indian context. Many castes align with specific religious groups, and religious leaders often play a crucial role in shaping community identity. Caste-based reservation policies have inadvertently impacted religious communities, influencing their socio-political dynamics. The quest for social justice intertwined with religious identity has led to a complex interplay between caste and religion in the pursuit of equitable representation.

Political Implications:

Caste reservation has also found expression in Indian politics. Political parties often leverage caste dynamics to garner support, leading to the emergence of caste-based politics. Reservation policies, while intended to empower marginalized communities, have also been manipulated for political gains. This intersection of caste, religion, and politics creates a complex web of alliances and tensions, shaping the socio-political landscape.

Challenges and Criticisms:

The reservation system in India has faced criticism for perpetuating caste divisions, creating a 'creamy layer' within reserved categories, and sometimes neglecting economically disadvantaged individuals outside the reserved groups. Striking a balance between rectifying historical injustices and promoting meritocracy remains a formidable challenge.


Caste reservation in jobs and politics in India is deeply intertwined with religious and historical roots. While it seeks to address historical inequities, the complex interplay of caste, religion, and politics poses ongoing challenges. A nuanced approach that addresses the socio-economic needs of all marginalized communities while fostering unity and inclusivity is essential for a more equitable and harmonious future.

Protein Deficiency Diseases: Unraveling the Impact on Health

Protein Deficiency Diseases: Unraveling the Impact on Health

Proteins are the building blocks of life, playing a crucial role in the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs. When the intake of protein falls below the body's requirements, it can lead to a range of health issues known as protein deficiency diseases. Understanding these conditions is vital for promoting optimal nutrition and overall well-being.

1. Kwashiorkor: The Disease of Insufficient Protein Intake

Kwashiorkor is a severe form of protein deficiency most commonly seen in developing countries where access to protein-rich foods is limited. It often affects young children during the weaning period. The primary cause is insufficient protein intake despite consuming enough calories from carbohydrates.

Symptoms of kwashiorkor include swelling, especially in the abdomen and limbs, due to a decrease in the blood's protein content. Other signs include skin changes, hair discoloration, and a weakened immune system. In extreme cases, kwashiorkor can lead to stunted growth and developmental delays.

2. Marasmus: Chronic Protein and Caloric Deficiency

Marasmus is another protein deficiency disease characterized by a chronic shortage of both protein and calories. Unlike kwashiorkor, marasmus can affect people of all ages and is often seen in situations of extreme poverty and famine. The body, in an attempt to preserve energy, breaks down its own muscle tissue for fuel.

Individuals with marasmus typically exhibit severe weight loss, muscle wasting, and a gaunt appearance. Due to the overall lack of nutrients, these individuals are highly susceptible to infections, and if left untreated, marasmus can be fatal.

3. Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM): A Spectrum of Disorders

Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is a broader term that encompasses both kwashiorkor and marasmus. PEM occurs when the intake of protein and calories is insufficient to meet the body's requirements. This condition is particularly prevalent in impoverished regions with limited access to diverse and nutrient-rich foods.

PEM not only leads to physical symptoms such as weight loss, muscle wasting, and edema but also affects cognitive development and immune function. Children with PEM may experience delays in growth and intellectual development, which can have long-term consequences on their overall health and future prospects.

4. Hypoalbuminemia: Low Levels of Albumin in the Blood

Albumin is a crucial protein in the blood that helps maintain osmotic pressure, transport hormones, and regulate fluid balance. Protein deficiency can lead to hypoalbuminemia, a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of albumin.

The symptoms of hypoalbuminemia include edema, especially in the extremities, as well as fatigue and weakness. The body's ability to repair tissues and fight infections is compromised, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses.

5. Immune Dysfunction: Impact on the Body's Defense Mechanisms

Proteins play a pivotal role in the immune system, contributing to the production of antibodies and other defense mechanisms. Protein deficiency can weaken the immune response, making individuals more prone to infections and illnesses.

In addition to the specific diseases mentioned, protein deficiency can contribute to a range of health issues, including anemia, skin disorders, and impaired wound healing. It underscores the importance of incorporating protein-rich foods into a well-balanced diet to support overall health.

Conclusion: Nourishing the Body for Optimal Functionality

Protein deficiency diseases highlight the critical role of proteins in maintaining the body's structure and function. While these conditions are more prevalent in resource-limited settings, it's essential for individuals worldwide to prioritize a diet that includes an adequate amount of protein. Ensuring a diverse and nutrient-rich intake not only prevents protein deficiency diseases but also promotes overall well-being and resilience against various health challenges. As we unravel the intricacies of nutrition, acknowledging the significance of proteins is a key step toward building healthier communities and a stronger global population.

Understanding Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide to Recognizing and Addressing Nutritional Gaps

Understanding Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide to Recognizing and Addressing Nutritional Gaps

Vitamins are essential micronutrients that play pivotal roles in maintaining the health and functionality of our bodies. A deficiency in these vitamins can lead to a myriad of symptoms, impacting various systems and functions. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for early intervention and prevention of more severe health issues.

1. Vitamin A Deficiency: The Importance of Vision and Immunity

Vitamin A is vital for vision, immune function, and skin health. A deficiency can manifest as night blindness, dry eyes, and skin issues. Individuals may experience an increased susceptibility to infections due to a compromised immune system. Including sources like carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens in the diet can help address this deficiency.

2. B Vitamins: Energy, Nerves, and Beyond

The B-vitamin complex, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin), plays crucial roles in energy metabolism, nerve function, and red blood cell formation.

Thiamine Deficiency (B1): Beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome can result in weakness, fatigue, and neurological issues.

Riboflavin Deficiency (B2): Sore throat, skin inflammation, and cracks at the corners of the mouth (cheilosis) are common symptoms.

Niacin Deficiency (B3): Pellagra, characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia, may occur.

Pyridoxine Deficiency (B6): Anemia, dermatitis, and neurological symptoms such as seizures can manifest.

Cobalamin Deficiency (B12): Anemia, fatigue, weakness, and neurological issues like tingling and difficulty walking are common.

3. Vitamin C: More Than Just a Cold Remedy

Vitamin C, known for its immune-boosting properties, is also crucial for skin health and wound healing. Scurvy, a condition resulting from vitamin C deficiency, can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, and bleeding gums. Including citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers in the diet can help maintain optimal vitamin C levels.

4. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Deficiency can lead to conditions like rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, characterized by weak bones and muscle pain. Sun exposure and dietary sources like fatty fish and fortified foods are essential for preventing vitamin D deficiency.

5. Vitamin E: Antioxidant Protection

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Deficiency may result in peripheral neuropathy, muscle weakness, and vision problems. Including nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils in the diet can help maintain adequate vitamin E levels.

6. Vitamin K: Clotting and Beyond

Vitamin K is crucial for blood clotting and bone health. Deficiency can lead to impaired blood clotting and easy bruising. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and soybeans are good dietary sources of vitamin K.

Conclusion: Nourishing the Body for Optimal Health

Recognizing the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies is the first step in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. While supplements can be beneficial, obtaining vitamins through a diverse and nutrient-rich diet is ideal. Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals can help monitor and address potential deficiencies, ensuring that the body functions optimally and remains resilient against various health challenges. Remember, a well-rounded approach to nutrition is key to overall well-being.

Arduino Introduction for Beginners

Arduino: A Gateway to Creative Electronics Exploration

Arduino, a household name in the world of electronics, offers beginners an exciting gateway into the realm of creative tinkering and innovation. Whether you're an aspiring engineer, a curious hobbyist, or a tech enthusiast, Arduino's user-friendly platform empowers you to bring your ideas to life through hands-on experimentation.

What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that consists of both hardware and software components. The heart of an Arduino system is a microcontroller board, typically built around the ATmega series microcontrollers. This board acts as the brain of your project, executing instructions to control various components like LEDs, sensors, motors, and more.

Getting Started: The Basics
For beginners, the first step is choosing the right Arduino board. The most popular choice is the Arduino Uno, known for its simplicity and versatility. Once you have your board, you'll need to install the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on your computer. This software enables you to write, compile, and upload code to the Arduino board.

Coding Made Easy
Arduino programming is based on the C/C++ programming language, but don't let that intimidate you. The Arduino IDE provides a simplified and beginner-friendly code editor with pre-built functions, making it easier to grasp the basics. A typical Arduino sketch (program) consists of two main functions: "setup()"
and ""loop()". The "setup()" function is where you initialize variables, set up pins, and configure your board. The "loop()" function, as the name suggests, runs in a loop and contains the main logic of your program.

Blinking an LED: Your First Project
A classic beginner's project is creating an LED blink pattern. This project helps you understand how to set up hardware components, write basic code, and upload it to the Arduino board. By connecting an LED to a digital pin and alternating its state with delays, you can create a blinking effect. This simple project lays the foundation for more complex experiments.

Expanding Horizons with Sensors and Actuators
As you become more comfortable with Arduino basics, you can delve into using sensors to collect data from the environment. Sensors like temperature, light, and motion detectors can be connected to your board, allowing you to create projects such as automatic lighting systems or weather stations. Actuators like servos and motors enable you to build projects involving movement, such as robotic arms or automated vehicles.

Community and Resources
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Arduino community is its vast pool of resources. Online forums, tutorials, and documentation provide endless support for beginners. If you encounter challenges, chances are someone else has faced the same issues and found solutions. Sharing projects, seeking advice, and learning from fellow Arduino enthusiasts is an integral part of the experience.

Taking It Further: Advanced Projects
Once you've gained confidence in using Arduino, you can challenge yourself with more advanced projects. Building a remote-controlled car, creating a home automation system, or developing a smart wearable device are just a few examples of the exciting possibilities. These projects may require a deeper understanding of electronics, coding techniques, and the integration of multiple components.

In Conclusion
Arduino's simplicity, coupled with its limitless potential for innovation, makes it an ideal starting point for beginners in electronics and programming. By mastering the basics of hardware connections, coding, and experimenting with various components, you'll embark on a journey that nurtures your creativity and problem-solving skills. With a strong online community and abundant resources, the world of Arduino welcomes you to explore, learn, and create to your heart's content. So, pick up an Arduino board, fire up the IDE, and let your imagination come to life through the magic of electronics.

Potassium Deficiency and Remedies: Nourishing Your Body


Potassium, a vital mineral and electrolyte, plays a pivotal role in maintaining various bodily functions. Its deficiency, known as hypokalemia, can lead to a range of health issues. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and remedies for potassium deficiency, helping you understand how to keep your body properly nourished.
**Understanding Potassium's Importance:**
Potassium is an essential nutrient responsible for maintaining the balance of fluids, transmitting nerve impulses, and supporting muscle contractions. It is also crucial for maintaining a healthy heart rhythm and managing blood pressure. A deficiency in potassium can disrupt these functions, leading to a cascade of health problems.
**Causes of Potassium Deficiency:**
Several factors can contribute to potassium deficiency. One common cause, is an inadequate dietary intake of potassium-rich foods. The modern diet, often high in processed foods and low in fruits and vegetables, can lead to insufficient potassium consumption. Certain medical conditions, such as kidney disorders and gastrointestinal issues that affect nutrient absorption, can also result in reduced potassium levels. Additionally, excessive sweating, prolonged use of diuretics, and certain medications can contribute to potassium loss.
**Recognizing the Symptoms:**
The symptoms of potassium deficiency can vary in severity. Mild cases might manifest as muscle weakness, fatigue, or cramps. As the deficiency worsens, individuals might experience irregular heartbeats, constipation, and even paralysis in extreme cases. Given the wide range of symptoms, potassium deficiency can sometimes be mistaken for other health issues, underscoring the importance of accurate diagnosis.
**Remedying Potassium Deficiency:**
Addressing potassium deficiency involves both dietary changes and, in severe cases, medical intervention. Here are some strategies to consider:
**1. Dietary Adjustments:**
Increasing potassium intake through dietary means is often the first line of defense. Foods rich in potassium include bananas, oranges, leafy greens, tomatoes, potatoes, and legumes. Incorporating these items into your daily meals can help replenish potassium levels.
**2. Supplements:**
For individuals struggling to meet their potassium needs through diet alone, potassium supplements might be recommended. However, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen, as excessive potassium intake can also have adverse effects.
**3. Medication Management:**
If a medical condition or certain medications are causing potassium deficiency, working closely with a healthcare provider to adjust treatment plans can help manage potassium levels effectively.
**4. Hydration and Electrolyte Balance:**
Proper hydration is essential for maintaining electrolyte balance, including potassium levels. Drinking adequate water and consuming balanced electrolyte solutions can aid in preventing potassium loss through sweat.
**5. Lifestyle Changes:**

Adopting a well-rounded and nutrient-dense diet, low in processed foods and rich in whole foods, is crucial for preventing potassium deficiency. Regular exercise can also help regulate electrolyte balance and overall health.

**6. Regular Monitoring:**

For individuals at risk of potassium deficiency, regular health check-ups and blood tests can help monitor potassium levels and address any imbalances promptly.
Potassium deficiency is a serious concern that can impact various bodily functions. By understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and implementing appropriate remedies, you can maintain optimal potassium levels and promote overall well-being. A balanced diet, healthy lifestyle choices, and open communication with healthcare professionals are key to preventing and managing potassium deficiency, ensuring your body functions at its best. Remember, your body's health is in your hands, and nourishing it with the right nutrients is a step toward a vibrant life.

काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर विवाद का समाधान

काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर, भारतीय संस्कृति और धर्म का एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थल है, जिसके चारों ओर कई वर्गों के बीच विवाद थे। यह मंदिर हिन्दू धर्म के प्रमुख स्थलों में से एक है और इसके चारों ओर कई वर्गों के बीच नापाक और शुद्ध भूमि के विवाद काफी समय से चल रहे थे। आखिरकार, इस विवाद का समाधान निकलकर आया है जिसने भारतीय समाज को एकजुट किया और सामाजिक सद्भावना की मिसाल पेश की।

इस विवाद के समाधान का काम विभिन्न सरकारी और सामाजिक संगठनों के मिलकर किया गया। प्रमुख रूप से, सरकार ने मंदिर के परिसर में स्थित आलू पर्वत के नीचे मस्जिद को एक अलग स्थान पर बनाने का निर्णय लिया। इससे मस्जिद के स्थान को सच्चे मंदिर की शान में हानि नहीं पहुंची और साथ ही हिन्दू समुदाय की भावनाओं का सम्मान भी बना रहा।

समाधान के रूप में सरकारी संगठनों के साथ-साथ धार्मिक गुरुओं और समाज के नेताओं ने भी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई। उन्होंने लोगों को धार्मिक सहमति और सद्भावना के प्रतीक रूप में यह समाधान स्वीकार करने की सलाह दी। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, लोगों के बीच समूची एकता बढ़ी और विवादित बिंदु पर सभी धर्मों के प्रतिनिधित्व वाले लोग एक साथ मिलकर उसे हल करने का प्रयास किया।

काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर विवाद के समाधान के साथ, भारतीय समाज में आपसी सद्भावना और धार्मिक सहमति के प्रतीक के रूप में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम उठाया गया है। इसके बाद से, लोगों के बीच विवादों को हल करने के लिए सामंजस्य समाधान की ओर जाने की प्रेरणा मिली है।

समापन में, काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर विवाद के समाधान ने दिखाया कि भारतीय समाज में धार्मिक सहमति और सद्भावना की भावना हमेशा बनी रही है। यह समाधान एक प्रेरणास्त्रोत बनकर खड़ा हुआ है जो हमें यह सिखाता है कि विभिन्न धर्मों और समुदायों के बीच समझौता करके हम एक एकता भावना का पालन कर सकते हैं।

The Essence of Indian Democracy: A Tapestry of Diversity and Governance

Indian democracy stands as a remarkable tapestry woven from the threads of diversity, culture, and history. Since its independence in 1947, the nation has embarked on a journey to establish a system that reflects the aspirations and values of its people. With a population exceeding 1.3 billion and a rich mosaic of languages, religions, and cultures, India's democratic framework has not only endured but also evolved to accommodate its unique challenges and opportunities.

Foundations of Indian Democracy:
At its core, Indian democracy rests upon the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Constitution, ensured that the document would serve as a guiding light for a pluralistic society. The democratic setup comprises three branches of government: the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary, each with its distinct responsibilities, promoting checks and balances.

Unity in Diversity:
The true strength of Indian democracy lies in its ability to accommodate a diverse populace. With over 2,000 ethnic groups and more than 1,600 languages spoken, the democratic framework ensures representation and participation for all. The system of reserved seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes in the Parliament and State Assemblies addresses historical injustices and empowers marginalized communities.

Election Machinery:
Regular free and fair elections are the cornerstone of Indian democracy. The Election Commission of India, an independent body, orchestrates these events, upholding the principles of transparency and accountability. The use of electronic voting machines (EVMs) has streamlined the process, ensuring quicker results and reducing the scope for manipulation.

Challenges and Progress:
Despite its successes, Indian democracy grapples with several challenges. The presence of corruption, unequal access to resources, and political polarization continue to pose obstacles to the nation's progress. Additionally, the complexity of governance in a vast nation with varying socio-economic conditions requires continuous adaptation of policies to be effective.

The Role of Civil Society and Media:
Indian democracy thrives on an active and vibrant civil society. Non-governmental organizations, human rights activists, and grassroots movements play a pivotal role in shaping policies and advocating for change. A diverse media landscape, both traditional and digital, acts as a watchdog, promoting transparency and holding those in power accountable.

Secularism and Diversity:
Secularism, a guiding principle of the Indian Constitution, ensures equal treatment of all religions by the state. This approach is crucial in maintaining social harmony and preventing religious conflicts in a nation with a multitude of faiths. However, challenges arise from time to time, highlighting the need for constant vigilance.

Indian democracy stands as a testament to the power of unity in diversity. Its journey has been one of resilience, progress, and adaptation. By embracing its cultural and linguistic variations, India has forged a unique democratic path that resonates with its people. The challenges it faces are opportunities for growth, and the commitment to democratic ideals will continue to shape the nation's destiny, ensuring that the tapestry of Indian democracy remains vibrant and enduring.

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Indian Writers

A Journey Through Literary Diversity

India, a land of diverse cultures and languages, has been a breeding ground for some of the most profound and influential writers in the world. From the vivid descriptions of Rabindranath Tagore to the contemporary narratives of Arundhati Roy, Indian literature has consistently captivated readers with its depth, variety, and thought-provoking themes.

Rabindranath Tagore: A Beacon of Literary Brilliance
At the heart of Indian literature stands Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. His poetry, short stories, and plays beautifully encapsulate the essence of human emotions, nature, and spirituality. Tagore's iconic work "Gitanjali" remains a testament to his deep connection with the divine and his ability to evoke profound sentiments through words.

R.K. Narayan: Chronicles of Everyday Life
Moving forward in time, R.K. Narayan emerges as a significant figure in Indian literature. His fictional town of Malgudi serves as the backdrop for his relatable stories that resonate with readers across generations. Through works like "Swami and Friends" and "The Guide," Narayan masterfully portrays the complexities of human relationships and the nuances of ordinary existence.

Arundhati Roy: Weaving Political and Personal Realities
In more recent times, Arundhati Roy has made an indelible mark on the literary scene with her powerful storytelling. Her debut novel "The God of Small Things" earned her the prestigious Man Booker Prize in 1997. Roy's writing delves into the intricacies of Indian society, interweaving personal tales with larger political narratives. Her fearless exploration of contentious issues often challenges established norms and opens up conversations on critical subjects.

Chetan Bhagat: A Contemporary Voice of the Masses
Chetan Bhagat, a modern Indian writer, has successfully connected with a wide readership through his relatable narratives. His novels, such as "Five Point Someone" and "2 States," address themes like love, relationships, and societal pressures. Bhagat's writing resonates particularly with young readers, making literature more accessible to the masses and sparking conversations on contemporary issues.

Jhumpa Lahiri: Bridging Cultures Through Prose
Jhumpa Lahiri, born to Indian parents in London and raised in the United States, brings a unique perspective to her writing. Her short stories and novels, including "Interpreter of Maladies" and "The Namesake," explore the challenges faced by Indian immigrants and their descendants while navigating cultural identities and the complexities of belonging.

Emerging Voices and Diverse Genres
Beyond these luminaries, the Indian literary landscape is teeming with emerging talents and diverse genres. From historical fiction by Amitav Ghosh to mythological retellings by Amish Tripathi, the range of themes and styles is vast. Young writers like Priyanka Chopra Jonas have also ventured into memoirs, sharing personal stories of their journeys.

A Kaleidoscope of Languages and Cultures
One of the most remarkable aspects of Indian literature is its multilingual nature. With 22 officially recognized languages and numerous dialects, India boasts a rich linguistic tapestry. Writers like Mahasweta Devi have championed regional languages, using them to tell stories that reflect the realities of marginalized communities.

In conclusion, the world of Indian writers is a treasure trove of literary brilliance, encompassing various themes, styles, and languages. From the timeless classics of Tagore to the contemporary explorations of Roy, each writer has contributed to the rich narrative of India's cultural and literary heritage. As new voices continue to emerge, Indian literature remains a captivating realm that bridges the gap between tradition and modernity, authenticity and innovation.

The crucial role of banks in any economy.

If you see through eyes of ethics you would find that banks are way more important for any economy, way more than even the government. This may sound really hype in first reading, but if you think on a whole economic model you would find that there is no other institution which is doing as relevant work as banks.

A bank is not just a place where money is stored and secured, in fact in a sense it is a place where whole value of the nation is preserved and secured. Let us see how.

We all know that for doing any work in today’s world integrity is must. No one can do, or create anything without the help of others. It may be a matter of choice that in what form he/she takes this help. Whether it is in form of physical work, or mental, or in form of some machine or fuel. We all are a part of society which we call as world. In today’s global economy a person living in villages of India is dependent on some white collar worker working in UK in some way or the other.

And when capitalism is mixed with this socialism we can see that every help become valuable in terms of money. The value of money gives value to every other commodity and services. Let us see how it works. Let it be government project or a private business, a work cannot become valuable unless it is done on credit. We understand that government is not aimed at earning profit. It is more aimed at doing development work and keeping law and order, and finally collecting taxes. This tax money is also deposited in banks just like in the case of any other private business. Contractors and private businesses also do government projects taking this money as credit and repaying it after the project is completed, the little difference is that they also keep their own profit margin. Government officials are overseers who keep eyes on these projects to prevent corruption.

In other words we can also say that government act like an engineer who gives contract and also look over the work. This definition is based on concept of treating social work as engineering or more specifically social engineering. The value of such work is managed by banks. Now let us see in case of some market or shop. A shop owner also takes credit from the bank to do service; the shop or market owners take revenue in form of cost price or profit and pay the credit of the bank.

But we are aware of the fact that all the materialistic developments depreciate overtime, this is a law of nature. Nothing can exist always, the roads build will cease to exist and the bridges will fall down one day. But banks preserve their economic worth in form of money. They preserve its value. Remember that material is not the value, value is inside the material. It is fixed inside the material. It is something cognitive, something in our feeling and our imagination, and that is what the bank is aimed at protecting. This may also mean that the bank is aimed at protecting the knowledge, or the form, or the shape, whatever you call it.

But wait the cognitive value cannot be fixed without material, for example a story needs pen and paper to be expressed, or may be some other audio or video mediums. But it needs to be fixed. So every value needs material as well. Shopkeepers do take price for that also, government collects goods tax along with service tax. Here comes the role of military that claims to protect the natural resources of a country. This is why Government protects land. This protection expenses are also credited by banks and is repaid by taxes from people

But now a day we have global economy, so do we really need government to protect material or environmental resources? Do we really need military? Probably the nature is itself capable of protecting its resources. So it can be said that goods tax is there to protect political law not the natural resources. From Science we also know that matter is conserved, it changes form but never destroyed. This clearly means that natural law protects it. This again also mean that we or our bank is, again, just protecting cognitive subjects related to human mind and in name of matter it is just protecting the laws made by human themselves. Banks are just protecting human knowledge though we don't know whether that knowledge is even true or not, whether it is relevant or irrelevant. But at least it works for us. But when we look at the heap of the debt that we have created, we can guess that maybe that knowledge is not working for us. We are wrong somewhere or else it would not have proved us wrong.

So as far skill and knowledge is concerned we know it is beneficial for our living so we are interested in protecting it. But why are we protecting the law? We are not responsible for saving nature because as we said above that nature saves itself. This mean we are just protecting our region, our nation, that is why our government is collecting tax on natural resources as well, in order to protect our region our nation our sovereignty, we are protecting our law, but why we cannot have single law for humanity? Simply because we have our tradition, our own culture, our history, our memories for which we are proud of. As we already said that the natural role of bank is to create and preserve identities, and our history plays a very important role in creating our Identity. So we can think it as our ways to protect our history

But one may question whether identity is really so much important that we ended up creating search a heap of debt on us for it. Probably yes anyone who has experienced death of dearest one must be aware of this. Now a days we can collect every aspect of the deceased like his/her photographs, stories about him, his achievements, his work, family everything through various audio and video mediums. But we still cannot recreate his true or complete identity and this really becomes very painful experience. Humans, somewhere deep in their mind, are aware of this pain. Also, we feel somewhere the death is permanent this makes identity is valuable these experiences have created a desire and need for preserving identity in us. We can say that fear of uncertainty about death creates a need for identity inside us. Nation creates its identity majorly through politics, even a shop creates its identity through business, and all these mediums use the idea of keeping records just as bank does. So these all factors make the bank crucial for an economy.

Why do we need money?

The most important need of money is need of self esteem. Money is your respect in the society or if we say more specifically, it is your credibility in the society. Whatever you buy from that piece of paper which we all know as currency is actually the credit you took from this world. That is why the bank note with a guarantee of promise, “I promise to pay the bearer a sum of xyz Rs”.

It clearly means that this xyz rs is the value of that item which you are taking as a credit on behalf of the promise that you will return it at some time in future. A very important question here may arise that whether people really do so. Do they really return whatever they buy from money and earn their money back?

Well, the answer is that if they will not do so. Ideally, they will become poorer. If someone, like an organization or government will help them it will become poorer as well, often to help the poor in its country government tries to print extra money, and as a result the value of the currency decreases with respect to other currencies and this means that whole nation has become poorer.

To understand this, just imagine what will happen to a person who only spends and don’t earn. This clearly means that he took all the credit and didn’t return it. Obviously he will become poor. Now let us see what the relevance of the bank note here is. A bank note is actually the keeper of this promise; it tries to make the promise secured by manipulating the economy of the nation.

If there are more consumers and less producers of the value then the debt on the bank or the nation will rise, because bank and government will not be able to provide enough free value to its people.

The value provided by bank is the security of the promise written on the bank note. If it will not be able to do so the debt on it will rise causing inflation in the whole economy. Any person who earns money or in other words, is able to return the credit he took from the society or the market, will also become poor in such situation of the economy, this will either decrease his productivity, or as a reaction he will increase his profit margin, thus leading to inflation, crony capitalism etc. This clearly indicates that the actual reason behind the inflation and crony capitalism is the increase in consumerism.

Let us consider example of an advertising business. Suppose some product company hire some popular personality for promoting its brand. Obviously it will pay a lot of money for this. Now if the brand does not gets as much popularity as that personality the brand may not be able to earn. This clearly indicates that when you are paying for something it is necessary that you get that value as well so that you may distribute it among your customers. It means the brand must become that much popular. So that when the customer of the brand purchases the product he also gets his share of recognition among his circle. The product company is actually sharing the brand of the personality among its customers in this whole process. If it is not able to do so the business may be called a failure. The company actually acted as a medium of distributing the respect and recognition of the personality among its customers.

Now let us look at the value of currency. A currency also holds the value of trust. So taking currency from someone without giving him any value is like taking the credit of trust. This also means that you will have to repay this trust to the issuer. Here the bank or the government (who certify the currency) respectively becomes that agency whom you will have to pay the trust back. Government expects a common citizen to follow law and order, and bank wants economic growth in form of credit interest so as you are indebted to both you will have to do so. If you don’t then bank has the right to sell the security against which you took credit. Overall you will end up being even poorer. So does this all happen automatically on its own? Well, the answer is yes, and the reason is because money is actually value of the services. Value flow is a natural process. Value is actually happiness and comfort and it may act on its own.

The concept of Gotra and Sapinda in Hindu marriage.

Though the concept of marriage in India is not so complicated yet politics and greed of dowry has made it so. Specially dowry, and the matter is so much hyped that it often leads to disrespect of women also.

Often the advocates of these concept use so many false and misleading claims that it looks like as if they are only intended to do a business of marriage and only interested in monitory selfishness. Such people mix the concept of gotra and sapinda with the western scientific concepts of gene, incest and sometimes Oedipus complex, but actual motive is just to misuse these concepts for social gain. If one would look closely he will learn that these concepts were not made to explain the concepts of caste, gotra or sapinda. The Indian constitution allows these concepts because it has no intention to mess up with the social belief and faith. Indian constitution and acts has aim of moving ahead keeping eyes on history. It has no intention to create a mess of history. This is the reason it has other laws like special marriage act as well.

Gotra only has to do with father lineage of any individual. Father, forefather, grandfather etc. all would have same gotra. The gotra of women gets changed after marriage for some unknown reason. It become same as the gotra of husband. According to one sect of Hinduism, marriage within gotra is not done.

Another belief support sapinda system, which means that one should not marry within his/her sapinda. Sapinda means 3 generations of mother lineage and five generations of father lineage. All relatives coming within this boundary are sapinda.

To avoid any dispute often people look for both gotra and sapinda. But Hindu marriage act don’t mentions gotra system for marriage.

Due to lack of proper knowledge often people don’t understand the true reason behind these systems. They relate it to superstition. Though if we do a close analysis we would be able to see that these systems have more to do with property disputes and have less religious significance.

The gotra system, if you analyze, favors male superiority in marriage system. This is the reason that the gotra of the bride is changed after marriage. If you compare it with the sapinda system you will learn that the deciding factor, Gotra or sapinda, don’t get changed in sapinda system and gets changed in the gotra system. This indicates that the gotra system somehow reflects the superiority of groom family over brides family.

One can easily deduce from this that why hindu marriage act includes sapinda system, simply because constitution prohibits gender discrimination as much as possible.

The economics of Indian politics and role of independent candidate.

By:Manish RaiDate:2018-04-14
We all know that politics is weird and for an outsider it’s a complete mystery. In this blog I would like to discuss the politics of India, exclusively the elections, from the eyeglasses of money. Here I would like to discuss the practical reality.
We all know that winning an election is never easy, it is a big challenge for popular leaders and almost an impossible dream for an ordinary man, but still such is the glamour of politics or say the addiction of politics that there would hardly be a person who would not dream of contesting an election and winning it. This statement has a logic to support it’s claim, we know that majority of adult population now a day cast their vote, This clearly means that they are involved in politics but only as much as their right allows them. When one is investing time to elect others why wouldn’t his deepest desires also want to be elected by others?
This is the reason there is a provision for contesting election independently, many politicians consider independent participation in election as irrelevant, they argue that politics is about society and what is the relevance of someone, who is outside the society, in politics? Well the reason they think so is because their mind is occupied by socialist though so much that they are not able to understand that politics is for society but is for individual as well. In fact politics is for democracy. In India we are so much occupied by the thought of socialism because we live in a country which is defined as socialist in our constitution. But one must again note that politics is not only for constitution also. It is for democracy. It is for people. Just because lawyers are verbally more active in politics doesn’t mean that it is only about constitution and socialism. Being a good orator is a part of their profession and this skill cannot dictate the democracy or the people.
And above that, independent doesn’t mean individual, or someone not actively participating in society. It simply mean not dependent on other’s. Or self dependent.
Now let us see how money works in this game. I have discussed a lot in previous blogs that money is the value which has some use. The bank note or the bank balance is actually just an accountancy of lending. A bank note is just a document of lending values. This clearly means that people earn the document of lending or the cash or the bank note when they do some favor to others. Suppose a merchant sell food, then a hungry person may buy that food from the merchant for the exchange of cash, this clearly means that he lend the food for the cash. The cash has the promise written on it that the equivalent value will be returned to the merchant in future. Often people value this promise more than any other stuff. This is the reason they save it. They spend it only if necessary, they also invest it so that its value may rise. In a word they want to make people or the system more indebted to them. During election we can say that they try to buy vote through spending this promise. It is just like saying to people that I did so much favor to you and hence I earned so much cash or bank balance. Now I am asking for the return in form of votes, in form of your support.
Many time candidates do social service, social service is often the free service. But since nothing is free, through social service also you actually do favor. In a way you give them values for free. For example, a politician distributing food, cloth or medicines to poor without taking any cash. Though cash is just a promise but since it is limited, and difficult to earn so it is valuable. Those who cannot earn it are termed as poor. But does the politician earn anything when he does so? Yes, here also he earns brand. He is looked as a messiah or robin hood. This identity may help him in winning election. These kind of politicians are referred as communists, and the one discussed before, I mean those who earn cash or bank balance and spend it to get vote are termed as capitalists.
Democracy has a goal of nourishing all types political thought. We can say communism as leftist thought and capitalism as the right one. Democracy never considers any of them as good or bad. It is just interested in flipping the coin. Its purpose is to do justice and it has a theory that justice is a dynamic phenomenon. Time and destiny does the justice and our duty is to seek for it and keep experimenting.
Now let us discuss about independent politician, we can see that both, whether it’s a messiah type politics or the communist thought, or it’s a capitalist politics, is based on give and take principle. In messiah type communist politics politicians give value and earn identity. In capitalist politics politician give value and earn legal promise in form of cash and bank balance, and both of them use it to get support in form of vote during elections. So we cannot say that either is absolutely honest, if there is some mistake in accounts then both can be blamed as corrupt. And this is what actually happens, left keep blaming right and right keep blaming left. Communists blame that capitalists win election based on money power and capitalists blame than communists win election by bribing the voter through values and favors done only during election.
This clearly means both the thoughts are occupied by selfishness up to some extent. Now though an Independent candidate also may be a leftist or a capitalist, but it will be wrong to call it independent. We often say that independent candidates don’t have any political ideology at all. But is that true? Just because an independent candidate didn’t cast his favor on the voter doesn’t mean that he has no political ideology. In fact if we look at the rules regarding the election then we can see that law prohibits any action that affect voter. Which try to tempt the voter. Though this law is said to be active only during election, but isn’t it true that the law is for everyone and for all events. Why only during election? If tempting voter is unethical then it should be unethical for every event. We live in an independent country, we are not slaves neither we meant to be. Then why our decision should be affected through any mean, let it be through some value or promise. Above all our choice should not be affected at all. So in a since we can say that both the left and right politics is aimed to destroy our independence by making us dependent. So through this logic isn’t it true that independent politics is the most honest one. Supporters of left or right politics often claim that an independent politician don’t tend to do anything. He just thinks of his own. This is where they are wrong. Of course independent politics has a purpose and it is to make people independent. So, does that mean we are not independent? Well quite of, the freedom struggle gave us independence but we probably lost it to this left and right politics. Independence means not depending on others. Job or livelihood is a subject of independent politics and isn’t job a very big political topic today everywhere?
Independence also has to do with courage and security. So isn’t the courage or security one of the most fundamental needs of the humanity? In my opinion independent politics is the politics which we need. We don’t need left or right politics. We indeed need independent politics. We probably don’t need social servants, we also don’t need merchants to be our leader, we in fact need a teacher, who can teach us how to live and earn a living, as our leader.We need a leader who can teach us independence. Of course such politician would not be like a messiah, neither like a business tycoon, he might look like an ordinary man. Who knows how to achieve independence and can also teach us. This leader is inside all of us. And this leadership thought in fact makes us a leader. This leader would be the true leader of democracy, in fact we can say that an independent candidate is the one which supports neither communism(left) or capitalism(right). He is democratic, he supports democracy. Can anyone say that democracy is not real or it only thinks about itself?

Theory behind successful brands.

Though it may look quite an irony but it’s a fact that we live in a world where we live to win race. Many say that it’s in our gene to compete many say there is nothing else left to be done. Whatever reason may be but we continuously keep competing in whatever field we are. And most of the time we compete for selfish reasons. Just think why everybody doesn’t compete for doing social service or helping poor.
The most probable reason for which we compete is the identity. When we earn basic needs like food, security, health, shelter, all we are left with is the desire of self esteem. Though Maslow called self esteem also as a need but I better prefer to call it a desire. No special reason behind that, just a personal choice.
We often become ignorant towards others basic need to fulfill our desire of self esteem. When we do this we do evil, and it’s a truth that we all often do this. The reason is because earning self esteem consumes our so much attention that we are unable to pay attention to basic needs of others. When we do so we are called arrogant. So let us discuss here the basics of earning a respect for our self so that we may also give some time to others.
We have given it a word, we call it branding, image creation etc. Now what creates a brand? How can you make people identify you with some personal identity? It also depends on how much brand you want to create and why. My personal opinion is that for a lot of people popularity is addictive and hence harmful. They buy it but they are not able to maintain it. Always remember the saying that “fame has got wings” before you get into this game. One should never get attached to it. Or else it may become a pain for you.
There are two methods to create an identity; one is to buy identity, this method use the advertising as a tool, where you actually pay some person to introduce you or your product. To brand yourself or your product over masses you will also have to take help of some mass media. This method usually burns a lot of money and is quite risky. The advertisement must be done carefully understand the reach of the promoter or the brand ambassador and understand the psychology of its followers. You should also try to keep in mind the relevance between you or your product and the promoter. One should always try to do a research whether this union would be a match or not. Though now a day many such irrelevant ads can be seen on media but most of the resources spend on such ads don’t give good result. If you really want a good return on your penny always consider relevance.
The other method is to create identity yourself, this method is of course difficult one, but is the only way if you cannot afford advertising. For mastering this method just question yourself how does the brand which you are planning to hire, created its brand. Well again there will be two answers, it may have adopted buying some other brand, or through the efforts of its own.
Often the brands which are created through efforts are created by targeting the self esteem of the audience. They try to do something which ordinary people find it hard to do and in this way they try to boost the self esteem of the audience. Please note that targeting here does not mean that they want to show their audience down. Actually the motive is to boost their self esteem, so that they may also get a reason to at least dream of doing that. It can be said that this method try the psychology of heroism to create brand, often this is done on imaginary ground but their purpose is to motivate and not to deceive. While using this method one must always consider the rules and regulations strictly in order to save him from getting into any legal trouble.
So whatever method one utilizes one should always try to create a positive environment while creating a brand. Just seeking attention will probably not work, always remember that its not the the brand which you have to create but also the respect.

The curse of dowry in Indian society

You might see the heading as negative and an advocate supporting dowry might argue that it’s ok that dowry has a negative image but when someone is starting a discussion about it then he must start with a neutral mindset. Since no truth is absolute why start a topic with a negative frame of mind.
But believe me I have reason for that, it’s not just the negative perception about the dowry that made me do so. We all know that it is evil (and I would also tell in this article why it is). So we all know that it is evil but it still stands tall. With fearlessly laughing on us, and our society. It makes us stupid, keeps us slave and still we cannot get rid of it. That’s the reason it is not bad to declare it a curse.
It malign the characters of our idols by providing arguments that they also took dowry, it kills or at least tries to kill the honesty within us, makes us greedy, but we still cannot get rid of it. What other bigger curse than dowry can our society afford? None.
We know money of any form is value, and if you take it you go into debt. Yes, it’s a truth. You need to repay it if you want to have a peace full life. But dowry, is not taken with an intent to return. Can you imagine a family of those who are under debt? Stress, worries, and failures everything is in that family.
And we create such families, when you take cash it means that the person giving you this cash has took some value from you. Can you tell what value the groom’s family gave to the bride’s family? One can easily say that they give respect. So does that mean those who give birth to daughters lose their respect. This clearly means our system is double faced. And this is clear that the purpose of dowry is to show women inferior and nothing else.
And if someone buys this respect with money isn’t that a way of disrespecting. After all respect is not something which should be sold.
Above all family relations are built on emotions and not money. One will never find a satisfactorily reason to prove that dowry is right. Our law makers have done enough discussion on it and then made it illegal. But still many people are enslaved to this mentality. They don’t understand that a business of family relations is actually a business of self respect. No soul wants to sell self respect. It’s just the greed which is interested in selling it. This greed is so strong that it almost always wins. We lose our self respect to it and suffer throughout our life. Get rid of it, be wise, to live a peaceful life.

Understand your bank statement

By:Neera RaiDate:2018-04-02
When you deposit money in your bank account it is entered in to credit section, and when you withdraw it goes into debit section, have you ever wondered why? After all its your money you did not took credit then why depositing money gets entered into credit section?
This is all the trick of money which I have been explaining in this blog from start. Money don’t works the way general people think. As I already said in many blogs, that the cash which you think as money is just a bill. Or more specifically the document of lending. Money is the value. Taking and giving cash means taking and giving promises that the value which is exchanged will be paid back. The same thing happen in bank account as well. Bank does the task of securing our money, investing it wisely and keeping its record. This is the value which bank gives us. And when we are depositing money into bank we are actually promising the bank that we will also try to learn this process of business. We will secure, keep accounts and invest. But since right now we are busy doing something else we are taking this service from the bank. That is why when you deposit it goes into credit column, means you took the service and when you withdraw it goes into debit column this means you fulfilled the promise and this is why bank is paying you. Banks are most honest to do this activity immediately. They don’t ask much questions they just check your identity and signature.
Very few people understand money in this way, it’s just a measurement of value. Nothing else. Whether it is in bank account or in form of cash, or in form of some other article in the market with some price tag. It’s all just the number. But to do productive work one should have this definition of money or he will just keep spending and becoming more and more poorer. This will cause him hallucination, ego death and at worse people end up being criminal. Money has more to do with the mathematics and less to do with the greed or richness. Those who can understand this definition are blessed those who are not face trouble, specially related to behavior.
Always remember, spending means promising and if you will not fulfill the promise you will become poorer each day. Similarly earning means fulfilling promise it makes you rich and respectable as well. Though on the verge of ethics I personally believe that all the value you created should not go into account book, and that s what we call as free service. But still if you treat it with mathematical laws it’s not bad because mathematics is not evil. But I think it’s possible that universe is not governed by mathematical laws, though scientists and mathematicians are yet to find it out. We will wait till then.

What is the significance of perfection of a bank note?

By:Manish RaiDate:2018-03-30
Do you know that all the value of your bank note only lies in its perfection and nothing else? These days we don’t have gold backed economy neither silver backed, and the strip on your bank note is not made of any such material which has equal market value as the value printed on that bank note. This is the world of fiat money now and it’s totally the decision of the central bank and government on how much cash should be printed. So the real question that we have now is what governs the system of money?
The answer is that it’s the perfection of printing it and the efforts of government and administration in protecting its rights governs the system of money. So is the perfection really that much significant. Yes, of course.
It is significant because you need focus and attention to identify it, and in a democratic world in which we live, we only need focus and attention to protect our self, to get what we want and achieve what we can. The system wants to teach us this truth. Perfection is a symbol of truth and it’s the responsibility of government to teach us this fact and it does so. Now a day, we don’t have reigns and kings, everybody is a responsible citizen and we all are guided by perfection. The minister, presidents, judges, everyone who looks like administrator to you is chosen by you directly or indirectly. This clearly means that it’s the perfect system, which we have, rules us. We want to show it through the symbol on the bank note. This clearly lead us to conclude that truth does exists. It’s clearly visible to those who are in a higher consciousness and with some haze to those who are not, but it controls everybody. That is what our economy is based on. Cash is just a promise, and you must make it in a perfect state of mind so that you can fulfill this promise. This is the reason that we do business with it. Those not valuing this promise will become poorer each day as they will just keep spending and will not earn anything. When you buy something you need you promise the merchant that someday I will return its value and earn the cash back, cash is just a document of lending, instead of saying that you purchased the value you should say that you lend it and you have promised to return it through cash. When you will return it you will take the cash back that’s all the game. Though we often call lending as buying and returning as selling. All this is due to skepticism spread by market o boost capitalism or in other words to boost crony capitalism. The aim is to make few people rich by creating delusion. To protect your status in the economy learn the true definition and to make world a good place spread this definition to others.

Who makes the promise on your bank note?

People often get confused in deciding that who actually makes the promise that is written on a bank note. Is it the merchant or the buyer or the government or the central bank government? Or is the person whose image is printed on the bank note. This question is also important because as we said in many other blogs on this site that a bank note is just a document of lending, a document of lending the value which you are taking for exchange of this document. And one should clearly know that who is actually making the promise written on the bank note, because it’s actually his liability to return it.
Though the bank note is guaranteed by government it does not mean that government is promising, government is guaranteeing the promise, through the signature of the governor of its central bank. And it’s actually the buyer who is making the promise. It is so because he is actually taking the value. If he will not return it and take the document (the cash) back it’s him who will become poorer because whatever value he took in exchange of the bank note is a value which can be consumed and of course it will come to an end some day.
So does it means that the bank note will not cease, well quite of, though the bank notes are also replaced, but the economic system remains the way it is. If it is not unstable. And since it is governed by people it is stable. If it will become unstable then only by the mistakes from everyone, the economy of a nation is a result of mutual cooperative work by everybody participating in it.
In a democratic world of today we or the people choose the government representative also, the decisions of this representative shapes the government and it also affects your life, so it clearly means that the way you treat this promise shapes your life as well. One must not break this promise if one really wants to live a peaceful life. So if your life has some unrest recall all those services you took from the world and try to pay them back, better you will pay them back better you will pay them back better your life will be. There is nothing more valuable than peace, in life. We usually call this promise as earning, now answer yourself, don't you feel good when you earn?

How money works between government, people and politics.

By:Vishnu guptaDate:2018-03-24
We all know that government is a concept, not any physical identity, neither a living body. It can be said that only rules and law of a country, or more specifically the constitution can define government. But people or at least and individual is a living being, a human. Anybody who represents the government is also a living being. Let us analyze how money works between these two parties, the government and the people or an individual.
People create value through their work, government collect taxes on this work, since most of the transaction happens in cash, it simply means that people promise government to keep the creation of more values in order to build the society or the nation. We already mentioned at many places that you give cash means you give promise. But you give this promise for what? What have you taken? You have provided value to the society and hence you earned, then why are you paying taxes.
It can be said that this is the kindness of an individual, he serves a country, then he earns this means he takes promise from those who take his service and then he promises the government to serve more. This clearly means that an earning individual is actually a real nation builder.
If you think that government provides you security and for this security you are paying tax to it, then you must also notice that security is also provided by group of individuals, let it be physical or cognitive. Even a government employee take bill of promise, i.e cash, from the government department and serves the nation, in return he also pays tax, this means he promises that he will keep doing this service. But the major question still remains the same, why, why are we so obliged. We are producing value and we are promising that we will produce more.
For answering this let us first of all try to understand what the government means actually, if you think carefully you will discover that government represents a nation. A big piece of land which we call as country, it has its own sovereignty. Now what is this nation? We can clearly differentiate between India and Pakistan, USA and UK. But how? one the basis of Religion, Ethnicity, Environment, Culture, History, Law or Language ? Well, probably all of them.
This means that we are promising these features that we will keep protecting and serving them, It has kept us integrated in past and in present as well, so we are obliged to them. Though they are more cognitive in nature, but still we want to believe them as real, because they do help us in reality. When individual fell prey to the nihilism of life, these features help him overcome it. If you really find life irrelevant then try to understand these subjects in deep, you will definitely be able to resurface. Read History of your country, try to understand people around you, try to know the rules and try to understand their relevance, Understand your culture, practice your religion, if you live in a secular nation then you may also develop some interest in other religion, You will definitely find it helpful. Once you will recover you will develop a feel of respect for them and you will be obliged. I hope you now understand it clearly why we pay taxes and how money works between people and government.

Truth about your bank note.

Suppose A has some valuable item, for example a nice fashionable stitched shirt and B wants it. When he will ask for this shirt A will demand 500 Rs for it. Now suppose B doesn’t have that value (500 Rs) but he still wants it, what can he do?
He can either beg for it, or take it on a promise that he will provide A with 500 Rs. In either case all he can do is to take the shirt as a credit. Now credit is provided when you are credible, if you don’t have credibility you will not be provided with credit. In market nobody is so credible that a merchant can give him any value without trouble, except the bank and the government.
Here the bank note plays the role, a bank note is a promise for lending valuable items from the market, or else it has no intrinsic value. Your bank note carry four aspects of credibility, first the guarantee by the government, second is bank guarantee (through the RBI Governor’s signature), third is the image of Mahatma Gandhi, and the fourth or the most crucial one is its identity.
The first three aspects are controlled through administration and the fourth one through the perfection of printing it. But for a common man fourth one is important for taking immediate decisions. It helps the common man to identify an original bank note. The watermarks on the bank note, alignment in printing it’s both sides. The Ink and the paper touch and feel etc.
So you can clearly see that what you think as money is actually just an accountancy of the market. A real world record of who took credit from whom and how much, money has just the relative value. There is more politics involved in than what you expected. On the basis of above explanation you can clearly understand that your actual money is the value which you create. Rest all is just a record of your karma managed by the market. So if you really want to create money and raise quality of your life believe in your skill, honesty and work.

The ideal credit policy

Something which must be considered most while assigning credit is the security. This means, before giving credit one must try to research what is the most secured asset on which credit should be given. Now answer me one simple question, can there be anything more secured than law, in terms of politics. Governments may change, but law is protected by democracy and almost 70 percent of the world now follows democracy and protects it. So in my opinion law is a security if you think politics.
If you consider nature then land is the most secured asset. If law is safe then we may conclude that land is also the most secured asset. Reason is, because it has infinite useful life, it cannot decay. It has almost zero depreciation. So if an economy is based on these two then it would always be the most stable economy. A protected legal system which is secured by democracy and safe natural asset, i.e land.
The growth of such economy will be decided by development of land. And with the increasing population development will always be in demand. This demand will make sure that the value of land will be on rise always. Security and demand, what else does an economy needs to grow? This is the reason that in a developing economy land is the most valuable asset.
So if we consider above facts we can say that an ideal credit policy in such economy will be to provide credit not only on the present value of the asset(here land) but also on its future value, if a business seems to be growing and has a good future prospect. For example, suppose cost of a land now is a million per acre and from the history of land records we can estimate that the rise in land price 10% per annum then we can estimate that it may become double in the next 7 years. In such case any legal creditor, for example a bank, may provide a credit of 2 million for the next 7 years, if it finds a business which has nice future prospect. A good research work will be required and it will be a win win situation for all. Though this definitely don't mean that the inspection of the business should not be done after providing the credit. Care also must be taken to keep the credit asset progressive.

What is a Credit?

By:Rajendra Narayan Rai SuhawalDate:2018-03-21
If A gives credit to B, This happens.
A does some work, this work is money and must have some market value. When B takes it in exchange of cash then B lends it from A of behalf of cash which we call as document of lending. This Bank note carries a Guarantee that the lender (or the buyer) will return the bearer of the bank note (the seller), his work in future and take his bank note back. So we can say that a bank note is just a note of promise guaranteed by the Government. This clearly means whatever you buy, is actually a credit, not just the credit that you get from your bank. If you will not return this credit and earn the cash back, you may become poorer everyday, contributing to the poverty of the nation as well, this happens because consumerism a habit that gets developed over time and is very hard to leave . Government guarantees your promise because it considers its people as the nation builder (In a nationalist government) or a Society maker (In a socialist government). Through business and mutual exchange of values it is aimed to make a nation.
Now let us see how bank provides credit. Obviously bank gives credit on some security. Now here the bank considers an individual as the one who should take guarantee. For example, a businessman. This means this individual must act somewhere similar to the government. It must have administration, policy executors, and decision makers within the company, it must also make appropriate policies. This clearly means that even companies work like a small government just with a different aim. Their aim is more capitalist and less political.
So it clearly means that a company must also do business within it's workers just similar to government. And doing so it should always be aimed at increasing its workforce in order to increase its market. Only the firm honesty and ethics can build such environment.

Should we value labour by money?

By:Manish RaiDate:2018-03-20
It must be noted that when we give someone currency or cash then we actually take his work. Similarly when you take the cash back you give him your work. Since money is considered stable in ideal economy(An ideal economy is one where inflation does not occur), it should not be valued with something as unstable as product. Work or more specifically the skill is similar to knowledge, and if preserved it can be stable. And to exchange this skill you pay, this payment is in the form of promise written on bank note or currency that you will preserve this skill. This clearly means that in an ideal economy bills should only be exchanged for skills, this also means that only education should have monitory value. But what about labour then? Here comes the problem when you pay bill of promise or document of lending whatever you call it for the exchange of labour you somewhere promote slavery. This clearly means that the buyer of the labour will have to pay the seller with the labour back and take his cash, or else this will mean that the buyer will become poorer day by day. Because we know that physical work is a habit and once not practiced it becomes even more difficult to do it. This always keeps creating a fluctuating economy inclined towards one class at a time and towards the other class at some other time. Though the aim of economy is to achieve a stable ground, so that knowledge exploration can be achieved. We all will agree that we are not here in this world to play economic see- saw but we all are here actually to gain knowledge. It’s not the game which is beneficial for us but it is the knowledge. Games are meant for kids but economy is a serious matter. To solve the problems of labour we created machines, machines are also the outcome of a skill.
This clearly means that the paying for labour might be our obligation but it is not the solution, we are not meant to promote this rather we are meant to find a solution. This exchange of labour with money makes the economy more complicated and delusional, this delusion decreases the trust on a currency and the value of the currency falls. We can not judge labour or physical work by money. If we do a deep introspect we would find that physical labour of humans can never be judged by debts, it will just make everyone way more poorer. This is the reason we got rid of slavery, we revolted for it. And now what we are again moving towards economic slavery, but why?

Challenges of Economy

The major challenge of today’s economy is to create a value which is cognitive in nature. Because that is the only value which can be protected and bank can issue a note of promise on behalf of that. Everyone needs this note of promise which we call as cash, though we understand this as money but it is actually a document of lending. So here the question arises that what is money? Money is actually the value of the skill for which the note of promise may be issued. So is service the money? May be not if we think that the service belongs solely to the servant. Because this is a truth that servant will die one day.
But will the service die? Probably not. But only if passed on to the present society, so that it may survive in future as well.
We know that currency is a note of promise. Promise that the value or the money(here we are calling the service as the money)will be safe in the hands of consumer. Isn't this strange! Safe In hands of consumers? Here consumer is the bank of values, producer creates the money, so what role does the actual bank which we know as bank, play in this?
Money produced by the producer is safe in the hands of consumer. Why the producer himself does not guard it? And whatever producer is handing off to the consumer is that really the money? Because we said that money is the service that does not die. Is the producer really giving the value to the consumer, the service which can never die.
And what about the item or the product which the consumer recieves?
Lender or the buyer gives the document of lending(i.e cash) to the producer for his skill, Even his product houses the secret of his skill. If someone has a skill of making a nice Indian curry then even his product when served to the customer can reveal his skill to the consumer. So he is lending away secret of his skill to the consumer in exchange of note of promise issued by bank. We usually think this of as money but as I already said that it is the document of lending. The guarantee that it covers simply mean that consumer will not waste his skill and keep it safe and when the seller will ask for that skill or service back he(consumer) will return it and will take his bill back. But does this really happen ? Can we say that we are living in a just and fair economy ? May be not and this is why we have a heap of debt on the whole world. We really need to repay what we consume and building such an economy should be the major challenge of the economy.

The mainland crust or continental crust.

The mainland or continental crust is the layer of molten, sedimentary, and changeable rocks that structures the landmasses and the regions of shallow seabed near their shores, known as mainland racks. This layer is in some cases called sial since its mass piece is more felsic contrasted with the maritime outside layer, called sima which has a more mafic mass sythesis. Changes in seismic wave speeds have demonstrated that at a specific profundity (the Conrad intermittence), there is a sensibly sharp difference between the more felsic upper mainland outside layer and the lower mainland covering, which is more mafic in character.

It comprises of different layers, with a mass piece that is transitional to felsic. It's normal thickness is around 2.7 g/cm3, less thick than the ultramafic material that makes up the mantle, which has a thickness of around 3.3 g/cm3. Mainland hull is additionally less thick than maritime covering, whose thickness is around 2.9 g/cm3. At 25 to 70 km, mainland outside layer is significantly thicker than maritime covering, which has a normal thickness of around 7– 10 km. Around 40% of Earth's surface is as of now involved by mainland outside layer. It makes up around 70% of the volume of Earth's outside.

Since the surface of mainland covering fundamentally lies above ocean level, its reality permitted arrive life to advance from marine life. Its reality likewise gives wide fields of shallow water known as epeiric oceans and mainland racks where complex metazoan life could end up built up amid early Paleozoic time, in what is currently called the Cambrian blast.

All mainland hull at last gets from the partial separation of maritime outside finished numerous milions of years. This procedure has been, and proceeds with today, essentially because of the volcanism related with subduction.

There is little confirmation of continental crust preceding 3.5 Ga. Around 20% of the mainland outside layer's present volume was framed by 3.0 Ga. There was moderately quick improvement on shield territories comprising of mainland hull in the vicinity of 3.0 and 2.5 Ga.During this time interim, around 60% of the mainland outside layer's present volume was shaped. The staying 20% has shaped amid the last 2.5 Ga.

As opposed to the perseverance of mainland outside layer, the size, shape, and number of landmasses are continually changing through geologic time. Diverse tracts break separated, impact and recoalesce as a component of a terrific supercontinent cycle. There are presently around 7 billion cubic kilometers of mainland outside layer, yet this amount shifts in light of the idea of the powers included. The relative lastingness of mainland covering stands out from the short existence of maritime hull. Since mainland outside layer is less thick than maritime hull, when dynamic edges of the two meet in subduction zones, the maritime covering is commonly subducted again into the mantle. Mainland hull is once in a while subducted (this may happen where mainland crustal pieces impact and overthicken, causing profound liquefying under mountain belts, for example, the Himalayas or the Alps). Therefore the most established shakes on Earth are inside the cratons or centers of the landmasses, instead of in over and over reused maritime covering; the most established in place crustal piece is the Acasta Gneiss at 4.01 Ga, while the most established maritime outside (situated on the Pacific Plate seaward of Kamchatka) is from the Jurassic (~180 Ma). Mainland covering and the stone layers that lie on and inside it are subsequently the best document of Earth's history.

The tallness of mountain ranges is normally identified with the thickness of covering. This outcomes from the isostasy related with orogeny (mountain development). The covering is thickened by the compressive powers identified with subduction or mainland impact. The lightness of the outside layer constrains it upwards, the powers of the collisional push adjusted by gravity and disintegration. This structures a bottom or mountain root underneath the mountain extend, which is the place the thickest hull is found. The most slender mainland outside layer is found in fracture zones, where the covering is diminished by separation blaming and in the long run disjoined, supplanted by maritime hull. The edges of mainland parts framed along these lines (the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean, for instance) are named aloof edges.

The high temperatures and weights at profundity, regularly joined with a long history of complex contortion, cause a great part of the lower mainland outside layer to be changeable - the fundamental special case to this being late molten interruptions. Volcanic shake may likewise be "underplated" to the underside of the covering, i.e. adding to the covering by framing a layer quickly underneath it.

Mainland outside is delivered and (far less frequently) obliterated for the most part by plate structural procedures, particularly at concurrent plate limits. Also, mainland crustal material is exchanged to maritime outside by sedimentation. New material can be added to the landmasses by the incomplete dissolving of maritime hull at subduction zones, making the lighter material ascent as magma, shaping volcanoes. Additionally, material can be accumulated on a level plane when volcanic island bends, seamounts or comparable structures crash into the side of the landmass because of plate structural developments. Mainland covering is likewise lost through disintegration and residue subduction, structural disintegration of forearcs, delamination, and profound subduction of mainland outside layer in impact zones. Numerous speculations of crustal development are questionable, including rates of crustal development and reusing, regardless of whether the lower outside layer is reused uniquely in contrast to the high class, and over the amount of Earth history plate tectonics has worked thus could be the overwhelming method of mainland hull arrangement and demolition.

It involves discuss whether the measure of mainland outside layer has been expanding, diminishing, or staying consistent over geographical time. One model demonstrates that at preceding 3.7 Ga back mainland outside constituted under 10% of the present sum. By 3.0 Ga prior the sum was around 25%, and following a time of fast crustal advancement it was around 60% of the present sum by 2.6 Ga back. The development of mainland hull seems to have happened in spurts of expanded movement comparing to five scenes of expanded generation through geologic time.

Shri Kashi vishwanath temple, Varanasi

By:Vishnu guptaDate:2018-03-10
Kashi Vishvanath Temple is a standout amongst the most acclaimed Hindu sanctuaries devoted to Lord Shiva. It is situated in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. The sanctuary remains on the western bank of the blessed waterway Ganga, and is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, the most sacred of Shiva sanctuaries. The fundamental divinity is known by the name Vishvanatha or Vishveshvara meaning Ruler of The Universe. Varanasi city is additionally called Kashi, and subsequently the sanctuary is prevalently called Kashi Vishvanath Temple.

The sanctuary has been alluded to in Hindu sacred writings for quite a while as a focal piece of love in the Shaiva reasoning. It has been decimated and re-built various circumstances ever. The last structure was pulverized by Aurangzeb, the 6th Mughal head who built the Gyanvapi Mosque on its site. The present structure was based on an adjoining site by the Maratha ruler, Ahilya Bai Holkar of Indore in 1780.

Since 1983, the sanctuary has been overseen by the administration of Uttar Pradesh. Amid the religious event of Shivratri, Kashi Naresh (King of Kashi) is the head directing minister.

The casing of the vast reality, as per old Hindu idea, comprises of the three crucial states called development (Shrishthi), presence (sthiti), and involution (samhara) that demonstrations in a cyclic procedure of unendingness. Every last one of the structures is controlled by a God, named Brahma (the maker), Vishnu (the preserver) and Siva/Shiva (the destroyer); these three Gods are known as the Trinity. Shiva, being the last to finish the cycle from where the new cycle begins, is known as Mahadeo, the Supreme Divinity. The iconographic type of the Shiva, the Linga speaks to the solidarity of the three conditions of universe (appeared in above figure).The Linga comprises of the three sections. The first is a square base of three-layers at the base demonstrating the three legendary domains (lokas), symbolizing advancement the place of Brahma. The second is an octagonal round shape in the center demonstrating the eight headings, symbolizing presence or persistence the place of Vishnu; and third is a barrel at the best with a circular end, symbolizing involution or finishing of the infinite cycle the place of Shiva. This symbol demonstrates the incomparable condition of uprightness, a definitive type of Shiva linga itself is an image of astronomical mandala. As Sadasiva (interminable reality) Shiva is spoken to as linga, standing additionally for 'add up to learning'. As Rudra, the destroyer, his associate is Kali. As Bhairava, the shocking destroyer, his partner is Durga. As a convivial god living in the Himalaya his better half is Parvati. As owner of all types of heavenly power Shiva rooms at the base of everything that is moving, that is the way he is called Ishvara, gotten from I-cara, i.e. I the inside, and cara, the beat of development. Shiva is likewise delineated as grandiose artist, Tandava Nartakari, the person who keeps up the mood of the world in universe.

** Special Note:

Most importantly data with respect to Shivlinga and it's portrayal has been taken from "The Linga Puran" and the book "Banaras Region: A profound and Cultural Guide. Indica Books, Varanasi. Piligrimage and Cosmology Series: 1 composed by "Prof. Rana P. B. Singh and Dr. Pravin S. Rana

Reason behind brain drain and unemployment of India.

India has a very serious issue of brain drain and lack of proper employment. Specially in rural areas. The actual reason is not the lack of resources but that of skill, will power and market. The unemployment generated due to this leads to brain drain and causes migration. First this migration is done by labour class and then by peasants and small land holders. In this way a habit of migrating to big cities starts occuring.
These people also don't get proper employment even in the big cities due to lack of skill and end up increasing either poverty or crime or both in these cities. Due to this they sow up seed of hatred in hearts of people already living in these cities that those who come from villages are actually evil.
The problem is actually related more to the problems of social status and respect and due to this plenty of resources available in these rural region is actually getting wasted.
The actual reason behind this migration is not that these people are not getting facilities like food and shelter. They are migrating because they are not getting respect by rich class of their village or those returning home during vacations from cities. If we do an estimate, they can much easily afford food and shelter in village then in a big cities but still this migration happens.
And the issue of self esteem should be more related to proper ethics and education but somehow it gets linked to personality.
It is difficult to understand that when people have food and shelter then why they don't create the value for which they are migrating to metro cities. Due to few little hurdles they want to take an easy route and end up creating nothing.
As i have already mentioned that the people in villages actually lack skill, willpower and market in order to create the value. But above these factors one more very important factor which they are lacking is the vision and courage. Ofcourse skill, willpower or market doesn't comes for free, they either need to be repayed or to be built right from the scrap and for this extremly focused and perfect vision and courage is required. Often people look to political leadership for such things but the problem is that in a democracy ruled by parties even the leadership becomes under control of big markets of cities.
But vision and courage is something which is always there inside everyone naturally. It is not something which is learned or purchased. So the question arises why people still don't use it. The actual reason is fear. But again if they have food and shelter already then they are afraid of what? This is a cognitive paradox, they are actually afraid that whatever vision they have they will loose it once they get into this darkness. This darkness ofcourse has the value but it may make them blind as well. This is a very serious misunderstanding.
The darkness i am referring here is the lack of facility and support, people are actually afraid that they will not get enough cognitive facility and support. But then they will also not get enough physical facility and support for free in big cities. They are atleast getting food and shelter in small cities and villages for low cost. Also in the age of internet they may get some cognitive facility and support also.
But still they lack courage to face the nihilism or darkness and it is my personal experience that working in such a nihilistic ecosystem without cognitive support of any form is really very tough. It is just like writing a book in some strange island. A situation which hindu sages of ancient time or lord buddha encountered during their attempt to achieve enlightenment.
Other than leadership people also look to banks for this cognitive support, but bank may provide them with the market for the cost of interest they receive, but calling it a cognitive support would not be fare. The reason is because debt don't help people to achieve vision or courage, it just either make them grocers or give them stress. But ofcourse it may create market and this is also a great help but many times if the practice of giving loans breaches threshold it just end up making a large pile of NPA loans. This forces the people in rural areas to migrate even more towards cities in order to protect their property against which they took credit.
This problem can only be solved by providing more security to individual so that they may be encouraged to take the risk. Legal and social security may help build a conscience among people and give them courage to atleast get involved in some kind of projects. Dedicated and honest social groups can play a positive role in this. They need to be taught the real meaning of success and services. A lot of volunteer work will be required for this and even if they fail after these all efforts they should be provided with a right mindset to look at the events alongwith true and ethical definition of success and failure. Instead of centralised values they must be taught value of decentralisation, value of democracy and internet.

Reason for failure.

It is my personal opinion about failure that a person tends to do a work which he can not do better. Suppose a person who is exceptionally good in mathematics will be very passionate about acting. The mathematical problem that will take hours for any average skilled person may be solved by him in minutes but since he is more interested in what he cannot do better he will avoid the problem.
The reason could be that may be at some point of time in past he might have been given a challenge to act and he might not have been able to do it. This somewhere must have affected his self esteem part of maslow heirarchical need and through out his life he may struggle to become an artist. He will read tons of stories, poems, great authors of all field, cinema magzine, psychology books. He will follow many great actors, directors, read thousands of screen play, synopsis. But even then he will never be able to become even a stage actor in some college fest.
We all fell into such situations we don't do what we can we often do what we can not because that work has challenged us and in thrist of achieving self esteem we even fail to fulfill our basic need.
Often this hunger for self esteem make us follower and dependent. As we cannot do that work and follow people who can. We make them our role model and things get worse when we are obsessed.

How to determine Advertisement budget for your business

To determine the ad budget we must first of all find out the frequency of buying for the product, this means we should estimate after how many days the product is re purchased by the buyer. After this find out the market size of the product in terms of number of consumers. Then find out the reach of advertisement media and the profit margin on the product.

Suppose, reach of advertising media=200000 people.
Frequency of product purchase= 150 days/ year/user
Market size of product>1000000 people
This means we may expect 100000 potential viewers of ad on any day as people buy product every 2 nd day approximately, we are simply saying people will buy if they need and see it.
If the profit margin is 10 rs, then ad budget should be less than 1000000 Rs/ day for a media with reach of 200000 people.
This should also be multiplied with market share of brand, suppose market share of brand is 40% then this will become 400000 Rs/ day.

Now you may also add questions on Squareroot.

From 1 January 2016, all squareroot users now have good news. They may now also add questions on squareroot portal. To know how to do it just log in to your squareroot account and visit "Add Question" section.
In this blog we will like to share some FAQ'about this new feature.
First of all please note that the questions that you will add won't appear in front of you(as expected obviously). It is just like a voluntary task and may help you to better understand the type of question that are asked on squareroot. By adding these questions you will help squareroot and its users. Please note that all the questions that are added are moderated by the admin before they go live. This is done for two reason, first of all to ensure that the question that is asked is relevant and the options that it carries have one and only one correct option.
Secondly we make sure that the question must be challenging. For example we generally don't allow questions that can be easily searched on the internet, or involve some popular terms. Putting such questions on squareroot will be total waste.
Let us understand this by an example. Consider these two Questions.
1.Who is the prime minister on India.
2.Who is the winner of Wimbledon grand slam 2012.
Above two question will generally be rejected, the reason is that both of them can be searched very easily on Internet. Now consider this example.
Which of these people are Russian
A. Franz Kafka
B. Alfred Nobel
C. Fyodor Dostoevsky
D. Gunter Grass
Such questions may be allowed on squareroot. Because it doesn't gives the full information about the question. The complete knowledge of the question is possible only after a user buys it.
We encourage you to add more and more questions and be ensured that their is no penalty if your question is rejected. But try you best to put a question that may be allowed. From time to time we will announce prizes and rewards to top users with most number of Active questions.

How does squareroot quiz site makes money

As mentioned in terms and condition, it is quite clear that square root quiz site revenue mostly comes from targeted advertisement. Many people have put their doubt on us that whether online advertisement really be so much worthy, as to make people earn?
The answer to this question is that the user don't earn due to advertisement, they earn through competitiveness of this quiz. When a user earns margin on some question he also has a chance to loose on some other. The focused attention and his awareness earns money for him. Finally we would like to convince that we are still based on estimate and till now we have not failed.
We cannot give details like how much do we make through ads, just as no other business would answer that question we also cannot. But we are pretty much sure through our estimates that we would never fail.
The philosophy behind this quiz was to mine out value from the subconscious awareness of people. We felt that this part of human cognition has some value and which could do a lot of help in fields of advertisement. This Idea motivated to build this website.
We will definitely let our users know about our working detail whenever we feel its urgency. Till then just keep answering earning.

2015 Right Livelihood Award.

Sheila Watt-Cloutier from Canada won the 2015 Right Livelihood Award. She is an inuit and arctic activist. She had worked to defend rights of intuit to maintain their livelihoods and culture which is endangered by climate change.
She will share prize with Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera and Italian doctor Gino Strada. Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera is an Ugandan social activist who fought for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and inter sexual (LGBTI) communities. Whereas Gino Strada is the Founder of the medical charity Emergency which helps to rehabilitate war victims.
Right livelihood award was established in 1980 by Swedish German philatelist Jakob Von. It honors people who have worked in field of environment and international development.

What is cholesterol. How it affects your body.

Cholesterol is one of the main sterols of the human body. Sterols are natural fats that are produced in the body by the body itself or by the external means, such as food.
Liver is considered as the main producer of cholesterol in human body. But some other body parts like intestine, adrenal cortex, or reproductive glands are also agents that produce cholesterol.
Normally diet intake is one of the major reasons for high level of cholesterol in human body, but since cholesterol is also produced by body itself so it is possible that genetic metabolic disorder may also lead to high level of cholesterol.
Just because nothing in human body is without reason similarly cholesterol is also needed by human body. They form cell membrane, bile acids and steroid harmones, but excess level of cholesterol, specifically in blood, forms plaque, that may thicken the walls of the arteries. This causes atheroclerosis, a conditions in which the arteries that carry blood and oxygen to the brain and other part of bodies become narrower and blocked. The arteries become much narrow and hard and makes the blood flow very difficult. It may lead to stroke or heart attack.

Tests for high cholesterol:
Cholesterol level is usually tested through performing a specific type of blood test known as lipid test or lipid panel. It is normally recommended that the person should not drink any thing apart from water for 9 hours before the test.
Lipid panel yields 4 numbers, namely, Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride. Here LDL and HDL stands for low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein. Lipoprotein, as the name suggests are the proteins that are responsible to make cholesterol soluble and break it into vitamin k. LDL are known to be negative and hence minimizing it is considered good. Whereas HDL is considered to be good and it should be elevated. Triglyceride is the total amount of fat precent in human body.
A normal HDL level would be 40 and 49 mg per dl for men and 50 to 60 mg/dl for women. Any score below 40 mg/dl for men and 50 mg per dl for women would be a threat. Remember, hdl scores should be high for better conditions. If it is above 60 mg per dl then it gives you better defense towards heart diseases.
Similarly LDL(low density lipoprotein level), which is also known as bad cholesterol level should be less. LDL level below 100 mg per dl is best, between 100 and 129 mg per dl is average, while if it is above 130 mg/dl then this means that threshold is crossed. LDL level above 190 mg/dl is very risky. Above 190 mg/ dl you will have very high chances of heart attack or brain stroke. LDL level below 70 mg/dl is highly advisable.

Information and chaos- Their role on Internet.

Every blogger or a website owner often search for means to develop such a web space so that it can become a value. Many of them have also done it. Creating a value from your knowledge is not a fictitious dream. It is real but many times it is very confusing and misguiding. So before you find your self in a trap develop a strategy based of truth.
If you want to develop a value first of all you must have vision about the environment, and whether you accept it or not it is a truth that you will have to follow the rules of that environment. Without this you will just keep facing unproductive challenges and nothing else.
On Internet Information is the value, the core part, and you will have to develop things around the definition of information for sure. If most of you think that there can be no precise definition for anything then believe me you are in chaos. Its not that the firm definitions do not exist, its only that you are not able to view it.
Information is an antonym of chaos, anything that lacks chaos or noise has some information, these two terms are the two extreme ends of the rule. Chaos means something that looses its form very soon, and information means something that remains as it is for a long time. This also means that something that remains in its form for a long time is information. Or any content that is telling the fact the way it is, is information. So i think now you can clearly distinguish that why many times news reporting is just a chaos and not an information. Similarly you can also perceive that why Wikipedia articles are a source of information. Because it tries its best to keep the facts in the form they are, least the bias less the chaos. So if you are doing an Internet business you must have this clear definition in mind. Again with an example we can say that Facebook is also full of chaos, because content on Facebook are biased many times. This is the reason why google prefers Wikipedia more and Facebook less, and this is the reason why Facebook is branded as a competitor to Google.
Understanding this definition is very necessary for developing some value on internet. Due to the depth and stability of information products it attracts long term investments from businesses.

Welcome to new Google logo

So Google is doing some very serious changes. This is not any new version of android, neither some latest panda and penguin update, but still very significant.
After announcement of future Google ceo Sundar pichai, Google has now changed its logo. The new logo is actually changed font and color shades and everything else is almost same. At first impression you get a feel that may be the colors are jumbled but when you look and compare carefully with the old one its just the fonts and the shades of the colors that are different. The change is very finer to notice but gives an impression of full overhaul of the logo. Let us see what value does this change in look brings to the company.

Quizzes can be a good medium to generate value

There has always a good debate on the meaning of the term value. The central reason behind so much of brain struggle behind this topic is that defining value exactly has never been easy but always been of a great importance to humanity. Value works everywhere, let it be business, science, technology, anything.
It could be said that value is sometimes a stray synonym to addition, the surplus part. What ever you can add to anything is a value. Indeed this addition is the profit, the extra piece.
So can quizzes be valuable? Of course, why not. A perfect business model can add value to any other gaming model, mathematical, or real model. This is the philosophy on which square root quiz is actually based.
The central idea here is to add value with the aid of people. When you answer a questions on square root You actually add a value to its price and make it more valuable. And this extra value is generated by your mind, by something that you know.
This value addition is not only for the case of prices of the questions rather it is more significantly on the margins of the questions. It is so because margin is the actual thing that any user actually earn and this also keeps changing value. Every right answer increases the price and decreases the margin. Every wrong answer decreases the price and increases the margin. This is a perfect balance which any publicly available quiz should possess. In fact this the competitive factor that must be vested in a real business model.
Above all any business model that keeps adding up value and redistributing it based on competition, is perfect.

Generate more traffic to your website

If you are reading this blog, you probably might be interested in online business. I said so because this topic is so niche that only people who have concerns regarding it will arrive at this blog. It is not a general topic which any person not related to web business would be interested a lot.
Above statement clearly means that website traffic is a professional affair. This means it must be competitive as any other business use to be, so one thing is clear it is not a one day or a week task.
Usually people who do web related business talk about the term search engine optimization. This term clearly means optimizing your website so that search engines value it more. This optimization is necessary, because more than 80 percent of quality traffic on internet comes from search engine. So when such is the scenario obviously search engine would have a very firm, tested and organic policies to rank websites, and obviously they will never compromise with the quality. So one thing is sure if you are about to start an online business you can not compromise from quality and you can never run away from competition( which is enormous in online world).
So if you are ready to put your hand in this honey comb then here are some suggestions from me.
Have a clear and firm picture of what you are doing:
This is the most important step, never worry about hurdles never think about competition, just keep one thing in mind you are here to do something which you know very well, you are not here because you are unemployed, or because you cannot get job in future. You should also not be here if you think web is an easy medium to make money. Just forget this idea if you think so.

Be ready to market
Like any other business online business also need a very high quality and focused marketing, first focus on creating a quality product and then focus or doing a very quality marketing. In online world you call it digital marketing, and this digital marketing is just as similar as real world marketing. No compromises. Never go for tricks, you may rather go for analogy, what i mean here is compare the real world organic and true methods of marketing and apply those philosophies online as well.

Build links:As far as technical part is considered this is the most crucial one. Never run away from creating links. On internet link theory may never be out of fashion. Not because it is some rocket science. But because it is the only and most efficient way to distribute traffic and manage competitiveness, it might be possible that there is some other theory better than this, but this one has now expanded all over the web and has grown very big, so this bubble may not collapse so easily. And after all when it is a success why it should?
Be informative:This is the most crucial ethical part. On web information is the king. I have heard many bloggers raising slogans the content is the king. But i think its not the content but rather its the information that is king. Try to be original, any content that is well written, is free from grammatical error and is original has information content. Copying or altering few words with synonyms will probably not work at all. Be informative even when you are building link. If you will build links by spamming then those links would be removed by webmasters someday and it will only be a waste of time nothing else.
Final words: So lastly i will just repeat what i said in the first para, and i am doing this just to make you never forget this. Online business is real, it gives you real earning, it makes you survive life. So to grip you feet in this world you should treat it as real and work just the way you work in any real business.

Socialism V/ Communism

We may say that communism is something that socialism becomes at its verge. Many theorist argue that socialism is a transnational phase that arrives when a non communist society coverts to a communist society. Let us understand it by a scene. You live in a society where you admire your personal wealth or your identity more, and if you are getting converted into a person that is more focused on what others are then in between these two phases you will fall in socialism.
This might be somewhat confusing, so we should approach this problem another way. A communist world means a world where the means of production have common ownership, and a socialist world means where means of production have a social ownership. Now here only one thing remains a questions, what is difference between a social and a common ownership? So consider it like this, a social ownership means that the means of production can be used by any member of a group in which people are interrelated with each other in one sense or the other. Similarly when you talk about common ownership this interrelation between people of that group is not really necessary.
More liberally you may say that socialism is a more broadsided implementation of concept of families. Only the difference is that in terms of families often the relation ships are strictly defined but in terms of socialism the relationships a re liberally defined.
Now communism is somewhat different, you may call it like public assets. For example anything that is owned by people does not specifically belongs to a person, even not to a group or a family, a person who is stranger to you may also use it. Reason behind this is that service or object is owned commonly.

How much should you spend on Advertisement

Every startup has this questions creating troubles. Is there any really proven scientific model that could decide your advertisement budget. Here in this article we will discuss a model that is generally used by many businesses to determine their ad budget. This is a theoretical model and must be appropriately adjusted based on your situation.
So we start like this, first of all calculate your minimum and maximum allowable ad budgets. For this, take 10 percent and 12 percent of your projected annual, gross sales and multiply each by the markup made on your average transaction.
Let us understand here what markup is actually, suppose you sell an item for 225 Rs, and its cost is 150 Rs then here your markup would be 50%, You should note down that mark up and margin are different, in the above case your margin would be 33.33%.
Now you should deduct your rent and other fixed expenses from this 10 and 12 percent of projected annual gross sale multiplied by mark up. The figure will represent your lower and upper advertisement budget limit.
Let us understand by a case study, suppose you sell an item that costs you 10 Rs and you sell it for 20, then here your markup would become 100%.
Now suppose you are targeting annual revenue of 2 Million, then 10 and 12 percent of 2 Million would become 200000 Rs and 240000 Rs.
Now multiply this 10% and 12% by your Markup which is here 100 % so it would be equal to 200000 Rs and 240000 Rs.
Now suppose your annual rent expense is 60000 Rs then your lower and upper Ad budget should be 140000 Rs and 180000 Rs.
So if you are expecting a revenue of 2 Million by the sale of a product that has mark up of 100 %, then your ad budget must be some thing between 140000 Rs to 180000 Rs.

Are backlinks really valuable.

You might have heard about backlink on Internet. Backlink is a very popular topic among internet discussion forum and blogger, most of the discussions online are dedicated to discussion of backlinks, seo, reverse links, do follow, no follow etc. Here my discussion point would also be the same, but in a little different direction.
I am not here to tell you methods of building links, neither i would suggest you how to get traffic. I am here trying to discuss that whether backlinks are really relevant to bring traffic. Just think it this way, google initially said that backlinks are a good way to count the popularity of a webpage. But the most important factor here is that they are a good method but only if they follow a principle of relevance. Popularity of a page is irrelevant if their contents are not related. You may say that linked contents must be relevant to each other, or else why would somebody link to it. But take my word, just to get an edge over other businesses many websites have collected backlinks that are really irrelevant to each other, that's a truth.
Main philosophy of google search engine is that if a person has wrote about something and feels that someone else has written something about the same thing that has more value or information that this guy's content then this guy must link to that article. Now just imagine, is that possible? Would you give away your audience to others for free? that is just an impractical thought, no body would do it. And if you give your business to others for money then again google will punish you. So this becomes a vicious circle.
Now again let us discuss about relevance, how can you measure how relevant a topic is to any other article or topic. For example, if somebody had written an article about Monuments in India and linked a document that discusses politics of India, then the robot may think that these two contents are interrelated, but are they really interrelated to each other? The straight answer is no, Whatever logic you give to prove that they are interrelated is just to fool yourself.
So let us understand it very clearly backlinks were having great value in past due to google's popularity but they are not a natural way to mine out some valuable information. They were also artificial just as any other technology. With the advent of web 2.0 since now people may also post links and contents like on Facebook, the link theory is weakening day by day. The simple reason is because it is not just it is not best, This principle don't follows everywhere so it also has a limitation and will fall someday, may be it is already falling.
Some new methods to mine out information from internet may erupt out in future.

How to earn money on internet.

Earning money on Internet is never easy, as per experience is concerned. I have spent a plenty of time to discover various methods to make money online but i am quite sure that this method to generate income may look very lucrative but it is not easy at all.
The biggest reason behind this is enormous amount of competition, you get thousands of new websites each day, making websites is a lot more easier than building a real shop.Many times web site builder companies offer you free service that may build an average website in few minutes.If you look at the internet you will find that around 70% of the web have site developed by website builder tools or cms such as wordpress, joomla, blogspot or traditional discussion forums like phpbb or mybb. People go for it because its easy to get them, companies have made the use of these software free just to become popular. But in my opinion if there is anything free it cannot earn money.
Most of these sites contains nearly similar contents, They just say the same thing in different words, often authors of such website say it doesn't matter if you say the same thing differently, but i think it does. You loose the value when you do so. This is the reason that so much of rat race has emerged out in internet business.
For making any real money you must be original, original with your idea, original with your topic(not just the words). New things earn and olds are scrap, just think what is the reason that market always keeps the things fresh.
You must have a very firm and stable business model that should be able to give value to people, most of the internet bloggers and web authors focus on giving value to search engines. Take my words even search engine hate this. Even google says that you should make your website for your audience and not for google. google's business is other than your's and they will do there job very well, if you are good you will get attention.Else you won't if you just try to please google.
Another hurdle is that ctr is very low on Internet, its something around 0.1 %, anything beyond this is unfair and advertisers wont believe you, so if you want to earn through advertisement revenue just remember that it would never be an easy task. just to do an estimate, around 10000 page views on your website, may, earn a click, that will give you some 5-10 Rs. Now just imagine how tough is that, and an advertiser even may not be benefited from it, because that click may have came at random and is of no value to the person who clicked it.
So my suggestion to earn online is by creating a business environment that can really be beneficial for people. Try to create a brand of your website, your website must deliver something useful. Even if you want to write just writing as a consultant probably wont help. Try to make you website as such that people should visit your site directly, just by typing the url in the address box. Search engine will give you traffic automatically if you have value. Just to quote, "don't run behind engines, they may harm you".

Squareroot quiz

Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar (April 1, 1889 – June 21, 1940) was the founding Sarsanghachalak (Supreme Chief) of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Hedgewar founded the RSS in Nagpur in 1925, with the intention of promoting the concept of a united India deeply rooted in indigenous ideology. He drew upon influences from social and spiritual Indians such as Swami Vivekananda, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and Aurobindo to develop the core philosophy of the RSS .

Diabetes and Constipation

By:Satyendra jainDate:2015-08-11
Diabetes is a disease in which the body either does not produce or is unable to use the hormone insulin properly. The pancreas produces insulin, which helps the body use sugar (glucose) from foods. If the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin, or if the body cannot use the insulin properly, blood sugar levels rise and the body cannot use foods effectively. High blood sugar levels are harmful to many body tissues.
Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal problem of people with diabetes. Diarrhea that occurs at night is also common. The nerves of the intestines control how long solid food waste remains in the intestines. If these nerves have been damaged by high blood sugar levels, food and waste products may move through the intestines too slowly, causing constipation or too quickly, causing diarrhea. Damage to the intestinal nerves usually does not occur unless you have had type 1 diabetes that requires treatment with insulin for many years.
If you have diabetes, discuss any problems that you are having with either constipation or diarrhea with your doctor. Both conditions can be easily treated with medicine.

अयोध्या में अस्थाई राम मंदिर की मरम्मत को सुप्रीम कोर्ट की मंजूरी

By:Vishal tejaDate:2015-08-11
नई दिल्‍ली| सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने अयोध्या में बने अस्थाई रामलला के मंदिर में हल्की मरम्मत के लिए मंजूरी दे दी है। सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश के बाद मरम्मत का कार्य वहां हो सकेगा जहां रामलला की मूर्तियां हैं। इस कार्य को फैजाबाद के कलेक्टर और दो स्वतंत्र पर्यवेक्षकों की निगरानी में कराए जाने की मंजूरी दी गई है। इसके साथ ही अदालत ने आदेश दिया अयोध्या के अस्थाई मंदिर की देखभाल स्थानीय प्रशासन करेगा। गौरतलब है कि रामलला टेंट के अंदर ही विराजमान है, लेकिन यह टेंट कई जगहों से फट चुका है। पिछले छह माह से रामलला इसी प्रकार विराजमान हैं। इससे पहले तिरपाल जुलाई, 2014 में ही बदला गया था।
सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने यह आदेश भाजपा नेता सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी की अर्जी पर दिया है। स्वामी ने अपनी अर्जी में कहा था कि तीर्थयात्री पीने का पानी व शौचालय जैसी बुनियादी सुविधा से वंचित हैं। केंद्र व उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की अपर्याप्त व्यवस्था से तीर्थयात्रियों को कठिनाई होती है। इस पर कोर्ट ने दोनों सरकार को इस मसले पर ध्यान देनें को कहा है।

Nimbus or Sun halo

By:Vishakha RaiDate:2015-08-08
A solar halo - also known as a nimbus, icebow or gloriole - is an optical phenomenon produced by ice crystals creating colored or white arcs and spots in the sky. Many are near the sun or moon but others are elsewhere and even in the opposite part of the sky. They can also form around artificial lights in very cold weather when ice crystals called diamond dust are floating in the nearby air.

There are many types of ice halos. They are produced by the ice crystals in cirrostratus clouds high (5-10 km, or 3-6 miles) in the upper troposphere. The particular shape and orientation of the crystals is responsible for the type of halo observed. Light is reflected and refracted by the ice crystals and may split up into colors because of dispersion. The crystals behave like prisms and mirrors, refracting and reflecting sunlight between their faces, sending shafts of light in particular directions.

Atmospheric phenomena such as halos were used as part of weather lore as an empirical means of weather forecasting before meteorology was developed. They often do mean that rain is going to fall within the next 24 hours as the cirrostratus clouds that cause them can signify an approaching frontal system. Other common optical phenomena involving water droplets rather than ice crystals include the glory and the rainbow.

Venous insufficiency

By:Satyendra jainDate:2015-08-08
Venous insufficiency is a condition in which the flow of blood through the veins is impaired. Venous insufficiency can be caused by a number of disorders of the veins, particularly deep vein thrombosis (blood clot) or varicose veins.
In healthy veins, there is continuous flow of blood from the limbs back toward the heart. There are valves within the veins of the legs that prevent the back flow of blood. Venous insufficiency occurs when forward flow through the veins is obstructed, as in the case of a blood clot, or if there is backward leakage of blood flow through damaged valves. In many cases of venous insufficiency, patients have both obstruction of forward flow and backward leakage of the veins.

The most common causes of venous insufficiency are previous cases of blood clots and varicose veins. In some cases, weakness of the leg muscles that help squeeze blood forward may also contribute to venous insufficiency.

Liver spots

Liver spots are dark spots that generally occur to people with ages greater than 40.These spots occur due to aging and exposure to ultraviolet rays through sun.They are generally black, brown or red in color.
The name is a misnomer and got from the fact that earlier it was thought to be caused by liver.