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Generate more traffic to your website

If you are reading this blog, you probably might be interested in online business. I said so because this topic is so niche that only people who have concerns regarding it will arrive at this blog. It is not a general topic which any person not related to web business would be interested a lot.
Above statement clearly means that website traffic is a professional affair. This means it must be competitive as any other business use to be, so one thing is clear it is not a one day or a week task.
Usually people who do web related business talk about the term search engine optimization. This term clearly means optimizing your website so that search engines value it more. This optimization is necessary, because more than 80 percent of quality traffic on internet comes from search engine. So when such is the scenario obviously search engine would have a very firm, tested and organic policies to rank websites, and obviously they will never compromise with the quality. So one thing is sure if you are about to start an online business you can not compromise from quality and you can never run away from competition( which is enormous in online world).
So if you are ready to put your hand in this honey comb then here are some suggestions from me.
Have a clear and firm picture of what you are doing:
This is the most important step, never worry about hurdles never think about competition, just keep one thing in mind you are here to do something which you know very well, you are not here because you are unemployed, or because you cannot get job in future. You should also not be here if you think web is an easy medium to make money. Just forget this idea if you think so.

Be ready to market
Like any other business online business also need a very high quality and focused marketing, first focus on creating a quality product and then focus or doing a very quality marketing. In online world you call it digital marketing, and this digital marketing is just as similar as real world marketing. No compromises. Never go for tricks, you may rather go for analogy, what i mean here is compare the real world organic and true methods of marketing and apply those philosophies online as well.

Build links:As far as technical part is considered this is the most crucial one. Never run away from creating links. On internet link theory may never be out of fashion. Not because it is some rocket science. But because it is the only and most efficient way to distribute traffic and manage competitiveness, it might be possible that there is some other theory better than this, but this one has now expanded all over the web and has grown very big, so this bubble may not collapse so easily. And after all when it is a success why it should?
Be informative:This is the most crucial ethical part. On web information is the king. I have heard many bloggers raising slogans the content is the king. But i think its not the content but rather its the information that is king. Try to be original, any content that is well written, is free from grammatical error and is original has information content. Copying or altering few words with synonyms will probably not work at all. Be informative even when you are building link. If you will build links by spamming then those links would be removed by webmasters someday and it will only be a waste of time nothing else.
Final words: So lastly i will just repeat what i said in the first para, and i am doing this just to make you never forget this. Online business is real, it gives you real earning, it makes you survive life. So to grip you feet in this world you should treat it as real and work just the way you work in any real business.