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Theory behind successful brands.

Though it may look quite an irony but it’s a fact that we live in a world where we live to win race. Many say that it’s in our gene to compete many say there is nothing else left to be done. Whatever reason may be but we continuously keep competing in whatever field we are. And most of the time we compete for selfish reasons. Just think why everybody doesn’t compete for doing social service or helping poor.
The most probable reason for which we compete is the identity. When we earn basic needs like food, security, health, shelter, all we are left with is the desire of self esteem. Though Maslow called self esteem also as a need but I better prefer to call it a desire. No special reason behind that, just a personal choice.
We often become ignorant towards others basic need to fulfill our desire of self esteem. When we do this we do evil, and it’s a truth that we all often do this. The reason is because earning self esteem consumes our so much attention that we are unable to pay attention to basic needs of others. When we do so we are called arrogant. So let us discuss here the basics of earning a respect for our self so that we may also give some time to others.
We have given it a word, we call it branding, image creation etc. Now what creates a brand? How can you make people identify you with some personal identity? It also depends on how much brand you want to create and why. My personal opinion is that for a lot of people popularity is addictive and hence harmful. They buy it but they are not able to maintain it. Always remember the saying that “fame has got wings” before you get into this game. One should never get attached to it. Or else it may become a pain for you.
There are two methods to create an identity; one is to buy identity, this method use the advertising as a tool, where you actually pay some person to introduce you or your product. To brand yourself or your product over masses you will also have to take help of some mass media. This method usually burns a lot of money and is quite risky. The advertisement must be done carefully understand the reach of the promoter or the brand ambassador and understand the psychology of its followers. You should also try to keep in mind the relevance between you or your product and the promoter. One should always try to do a research whether this union would be a match or not. Though now a day many such irrelevant ads can be seen on media but most of the resources spend on such ads don’t give good result. If you really want a good return on your penny always consider relevance.
The other method is to create identity yourself, this method is of course difficult one, but is the only way if you cannot afford advertising. For mastering this method just question yourself how does the brand which you are planning to hire, created its brand. Well again there will be two answers, it may have adopted buying some other brand, or through the efforts of its own.
Often the brands which are created through efforts are created by targeting the self esteem of the audience. They try to do something which ordinary people find it hard to do and in this way they try to boost the self esteem of the audience. Please note that targeting here does not mean that they want to show their audience down. Actually the motive is to boost their self esteem, so that they may also get a reason to at least dream of doing that. It can be said that this method try the psychology of heroism to create brand, often this is done on imaginary ground but their purpose is to motivate and not to deceive. While using this method one must always consider the rules and regulations strictly in order to save him from getting into any legal trouble.
So whatever method one utilizes one should always try to create a positive environment while creating a brand. Just seeking attention will probably not work, always remember that its not the the brand which you have to create but also the respect.